
TechBridge: Bridging Generations Through Technology

The "TechBridge: Bridging Generations Through Technology" project is a groundbreaking initiative designed to enhance digital literacy, foster intergenerational learning, and revolutionize educational approaches for older adults. By addressing key priorities such as improving digital competences and bridging social and cultural divides, the project creates a platform where younger individuals share their digital expertise with older generations.


Our vision is to improve the socio-emotional climate in the classroom, fight distractions and boredom in classes by striving for lessons of interest, quality and engagement.

TransFORMATION for a better future

The purpose is to empower the participants of our training course to implement in future GCED projects in their local contexts. Our target group includes a wide range of actors because we believe that GCED methods are extremely valuable beginning in early childhood and continuing through all levels of education into adulthood, including both formal and informal approaches.

A half a degree change

The aim of the project is to prepare teachers to deal with the complexity of the global warming subject by providing teaching materials, approaches and methodologies, taking into account local, regional and international situations.
The second goal is to prepare students (as the next generation) to become real agents of change and to learn about the collective responsibility to protect the environment and prevent further harm.


This project aims to tackle parts of both the digital field of sustainability in order to create a symbiotic relationship meant to benefit each of them, as both of these have been great areas of interest and with plenty of room for improvement in the past years all over Europe and beyond.

Transversal Education Through the Games

Education is one of the most relevant and significant elements in life. Young people go through decisive stages such as childhood and adolescence, which will form their identity and shape their personality, ambitions and concerns.

This project seeks to provide participants with tools and resources with which they can design, develop and undertake both activities and programs that promote transversal education through the games.


The idea developed by the organisation USB to develop two main objectives of the program - cultivating the economic idea and approach through ecology and also awakening ecological consciousness through the financial management of recyclable materials.
Participants will become more aware of multicultural diversity, its benefits and possibilities of self development. They will make new friendships and contacts, break stereotypes and discover the non-formal learning process. They will go out of their comfort zone.



The main objective of this project is to encourage volunteering and social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport for men and women with a learning disability. Our project manages to combine both goals effectively creating full social inclusion through the volunteering in the sport of rugby, by introducing people with learning disability into a mainstream club where they will become an essential part of the club life.

Life skills and sport

Основната цел е да се развият социални и емоционални компетентности чрез спорт, като по този начин се развият умения за личностно и професионално развитие.
