
This project aims to tackle parts of both the digital field of sustainability in order to create a symbiotic relationship meant to benefit each of them, as both of these have been great areas of interest and with plenty of room for improvement in the past years all over Europe and beyond.

The need of promoting digital initiatives for sustainability has been revealed after conducting an extensive needs assessment among our community members and partners. Following this research, the main areas of interest of the involved parties proved to be related to four of the 17 SDG’s, respectively:
- no 5: Gender Equality,
- no 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,
- no 13: Climate action and
- no 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions.

This initiative has four general objectives:
O1: Raising awareness and know-how among youth workers on using digital tools to create more sustainable youth projects
O2: Exchange of digital good practices in the field of sustainability in youth work
O3: Networking to foster cooperation between partners
O4: Acquiring know-how and exploring possibilities of using digital tools to enhance the achievement of the SDGs along

The seminar was designed for youth workers, youth leaders, volunteers with interests in digital tools and sustainability. In total, the project will involve 50 experienced youth workers from 22 countries (France, Romania, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Armenia, North Macedonia, Polonia, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Albania, Egypt, Georgia, Lithuania, Portugal). We want to impact as many organisations, youth workers and young people as possible, this is why 32 organizations will take part in the Seminar. Each partner has a valuable role in developing the activity programme, as well as an important role in the dissemination of the activity.